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Minimalism lifestyle

Minimalistic furnished living room with brown sofa, fireplace and dining room in the background
Lettering in cursive script "Just Relax
The minimalism lifestyle is very liberating to many. We'll show you how you too can easily live and dwell more minimalistically.

Minimalism as a lifestyle – What does it mean?

What is minimalism, really, and what changes does minimalism bring as a lifestyle? Contrary to the belief of many, minimalism is not synonymous with reducing all possessions to the necessities of survival. In fact, minimalism is a very individual thing, because minimalism is not about having nothing, it’s about having no baggage. So if you want to live a more minimalistic and liberated life, you first have to get clear about what your personal ballast is. Then you can start to transform your life and reap the benefits of this lifestyle. We present you with simple tips on how to transform your life and how to make your home more minimalist and coherent, to live better at home and to live a bit more liberated overall.

A Day in the Life of a Minimalist

Blurred shot of a living room, which seems to be furnished in a very minimalistic way

How to live minimalist?

Part with ballast

In order to live in a minimalist and more relaxed way, you should part with things that have no real meaning for you and also don’t really fit your decor. For example, you can imagine that tomorrow you would have to move into an apartment that is only half the size of your current one. Which furniture and decorative items would you absolutely want to take with you and which could you do without? If you mentally imagine this kind of change of scenery, you quickly realize that you actually have an emotional attachment to very few objects and would miss them if they weren’t there. Even when tidying up, you often find things that you haven’t used for ages and that simply take up space. So tidying and clearing out is always part of the shift towards minimalism. This way you can easily find out what your personal ballast is and sort it out accordingly (check out our tips for tidying up your kitchen and closet ). You’re getting closer to minimalism as a lifestyle, and you’ll feel relief when your home is more open and less cluttered.

Use clean lines and shapes and a consistent color scheme

For many, minimalism as a lifestyle also means surrounding yourself with the things that exude simplicity and tranquility and that relax the senses. In an apartment with clear geometric lines and shapes, it is easier to relax from the overstimulation of modern everyday life than in rooms that are themselves cluttered with all sorts of furniture and decorative elements of various colors and shapes. Due to its purity and freshness, white is the main color in a minimalist interior and is often combined quite simply with black, natural or metallic tones. Clarity and uniformity of the apartment will help you to better relax, come down and organize your thoughts in a low-stimulation environment in peace. To implement minimalism as a lifestyle in your home, you should, after getting rid of your ballast, attach great importance to a coherent overall picture. For this, it’s best to choose one thing that you like to use and keep, such as your favorite armchair in your reading corner. Then, based on the design, try to bring the rest of the room into a unified shape with the pieces of furniture and decorative items you already own and new, matching elements. Always remember, less is more!

Avoid trendy purchases

When making new purchases, think carefully about whether they fit into your minimalist living concept and avoid buying things just because they are trendy at the moment. Especially nowadays trends change very quickly and the next hype brings new cuts, patterns and designs. Often, however, these trends do not reflect our real tastes, but we buy things because everyone has them and we find them great in others – cue beanbag, waterbed, lava lamp and Co. Minimalism as a lifestyle encourages us here but not to blindly buy new things, but rather to invest in a few but timeless pieces of furniture, decorative items and even clothing that convince through simple shapes and harmonize with each other.

Our recommendations for living and decorating with minimalism as a lifestyle

Minimalism Guide

A minimalism guide shows how this lifestyle can be established in all areas of everyday life. Tips, tricks or so-called life hacks help to integrate a minimalist lifestyle also practically in everyday life and encourage to participate and rethink. In addition, the complete furnishing of a minimalist apartment is often addressed. The mother of all minimalist guides is certainly Magic Cleaning by Marie Kondo. But Minimalism by the makers of the film of the same name and Einfach Leben by Lina Jachmann are also worth mentioning here.

Geometric storage basket

A geometric basket fits perfectly with minimalism as a lifestyle, as it is not only a practical utility item, but also a great decorative element at the same time. The clean, geometric lines make up the simplicity of the basket’s beautiful, timeless design. For example, the basket can be wonderfully used as a fruit basket.

Geometric wall decoration

Prisms as geometric and minimalist decoration will give your home a modern and simple look. The geometric shapes can be attached to the wall or ceiling, as well as placed on the table. Due to the simplistic design, they also fit almost any interior style and especially minimalism as a lifestyle.

Geometric picture frames in prism shape

A geometric picture frame in prism shape is suitable for showcasing your favorite personal moments in a minimalist way. The inserted photo between glass panes almost seems to float in the three-dimensional wire structure. The picture frame fits perfectly with minimalism as a lifestyle, as it is functional and decorative at the same time.

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