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Feng Shui Home

Feng Shui furnishing in the bedroom with stones
Lettering in cursive script "Just Relax
When we think of Feng Shui Home, we immediately think of interior design and Asia. But what exactly is it all about? Light your incense sticks, we're about to find out!

History of Feng Shui Home

Feng Shui developed in China over 3500 years ago, as we had already suspected. But were the Chinese magicians at that time? What were they able to do that we can still read about in books today? Basically, it was the close coexistence and analysis of nature, which is the basis of Feng Shui Home. Because it was important for survival that the inhabitants of the country adapted to their environment, whether they lived at the harbor or in a valley in the mountains.

There’s a lot more to it than meets the eye….


If you translate Feng Shui, it means “wind and water”, which in itself is quite crude at first. But the connection to nature becomes directly clear. The earth is governed by natural forces that determine its appearance and directly affect the lives of people. A boat doesn’t help you in the mountains and a fishing rod probably just as little. Accordingly, one must adapt to Mother Nature and should strive to live in harmony with her. But how does that work?


Feng Shui Home is supposed to help you live in harmony with your surroundings. In what way harmony, you ask. Not having a fight with Mother Earth must not have been too difficult at the time. In truth, this harmonious coexistence involves much more, for it also involves happiness, personal growth, success and a healthy life. In fact, all that we want in life and what should be achievable with Feng Shui Home. Let’s take a closer look.

Yin and Yang

We all know this black and white symbol that many wear as body jewelry branded on their skin or as a necklace around their neck. The symbol, which also appears in Chinese medicine, symbolizes this harmony. So there is much more to it than that the character simply looks beautiful. Yin and Yang are two opposite poles that cannot do without each other. Yang, the bright semicircle, is masculine, the other side logically the opposite. Nevertheless, each side also contains parts of the other, which is what the dots are supposed to represent. It tells us: without night there is no day, without darkness there is no light, and without winter there is no summer. And amazingly, the day always contains a piece of the night, recognizable as a shadow.

The five elements

Well, which ones could they be? For us there are only four: fire, water, air and earth, we already learned that in kindergarten. For the Chinese they are similar, but different. There are wood, fire, earth, metal and water, and they determine the world. Because the Chinese believe that everything, really everything, can be assigned to these. But what we have already learned from the Chinese up to this point: There is always more to it. The elements also stand for transformation and for the life cycle. Quite directly transferred: Without wood we cannot produce fire, from the ash, which develops from it, something new can grow in the soil, which develops for the earth and from the earth metal can be won again. These mineral substances of the earth give existence to the water and this water makes the plants grow from which we obtain wood, which brings us back to the beginning. Feel free to read the previous two sentences again.


It sounds so simple and obvious, but you now have to think a little spiritually or supernaturally in this paragraph. I’m sure you can. In Feng Shui Home, it is believed that the entire universe is made up of what is called Chi, the energy of life. The word energy has a great meaning in Feng Shui. It must always be able to flow freely, that is the be-all and end-all. Or better here: the Yin and Yang. Chi flows like water in waves and moves freely like the wind. Let’s transfer this to the room or to the house (yes, it’s still about furnishing): the Chi must not be interrupted and all areas of a house must be supplied with Chi.

Feng Shui Home Decorating Ideas

Feng Shui furnishing in living room with stones and letters

Applying the theory of Feng Shui Home to the interior

Feng Shui Home accessories

Don’t worry: it’s not necessary to fill your room with Chinese accessories. Buddhas, chimes and stone dragons will not turn your home into an oasis of Feng Shui. It’s all about the materials you use. Here, for example, plants are helpful to bring nature and life into the house. They increase the chi and, standing on the windowsill, ensure that no energy is lost. Also, stones and shells are beautiful props from nature.

The power of light

A room with a lot of light immediately puts the inhabitants in a much more positive mood, this is known even without the Chinese teachings. Nevertheless, there is a lot of emphasis on daylight and installed light sources, especially where there are dark colors on the wall. To improve the flow of chi even more, which is what each of us should strive for (don’t grin, this is serious), then mirrored and shiny surfaces can be used to help. Whether it’s in the form of glasses or candlesticks, go wild!

The Feng Shui Bedroom

Restful sleep is a condition for a successful day. Here are a few tips on how to design the bedroom according to the guidelines of Feng Shui: First of all, sharp corners should be avoided, otherwise the energy can not flow freely. Most advantageous is a(futon) bed made of wood (not a must – nevertheless it makes sense!) and make sure that your bed is always in front of a wall without a window or door. The wall gives you a sense of protection and will make you sleep better.

The mirror rule

No mirror in the bedroom! That’s what my inner voice says as soon as I think of Feng Shui. However, it is not quite true. You can hang mirrors there, but better not directly opposite the bed, because that will cause unrest. Definitely should aim for a calm atmosphere in the bedroom!

Colors and decoration in the bedroom

When you think of Feng Shui rooms, they are often painted bright yellow or orange in your mind’s eye. Don’t look at Feng Shui books from 2007, keep up with the times. All colors that create a sense of security and relaxation are suitable for the bedroom. Earth tones or pastel colors can help, but also a light gray or blue are definitely a good choice. The fewer objects lying around in the room, the better the chi can flow and your sleep will be better because of the harmony. If you only have your bedroom for your sleep routine, use closed dressers and closets.


Yes, it is fun to pronounce this term. But its meaning is also very interesting. The “bagua” is a kind of site plan in Feng Shui that can be placed on a floor plan to help align areas of your life. There are nine squares, which stand for different life contents, like partnership, knowledge or children. The center of the square is Thai Chi, the energetic center. If you put this grid on an L-shaped floor plan, there is a missing area that needs to be balanced in some way.

The Feng Shui Garden

If you thought the walls of the house were the boundaries of Feng Shui, you were wrong. It too is part of the house and there are design rules for it as well. In Feng Shui it is important that the house together with the garden is in harmony with its surroundings. The house is compared to the anatomy of a human being and thus the front door represents the mouth through which chi enters the house. Through the front garden and the path to the house, the chi must be properly directed inside. Many flowers lead the energy in, but high hedges, cars or garbage cans prevent the flow into the house.

The toilet lid

The toilet is not so easy to deal with in Feng Shui. Its position in the home is of particular importance to people. It is essential to make sure that the toilet lid is always closed. You attach importance to this anyway? Good, because who actually does not, but to underline the whole thing again: If the lid is open, the chi flows into the sewage, where of course it is of no use to anyone.

Danger factor bookshelf

Bookshelves are a difficult subject in Feng Shui, especially open ones. The horizontal boards are like knives and thus destroy the energy. Yes, is not thought out. That is why it is better not to have them in the bedroom and especially not opposite beds. If an open bookshelf is behind you in the office, it can cause back pain, according to Feng Shui. Also, it is believed that each book emits a certain energy. One should accordingly pay attention to the choice of his books and of course, how could it be otherwise, especially Feng Shui books are particularly responsible for positive energy.

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