Sleep problems and disorders are energy robbers
After a long, tiring day at work, school, or uni, all you want to do is lie down in bed, close your eyes, and switch off. But as soon as you lie in bed, a hundred thoughts run through your head and won’t give you a moment’s peace – we all know problems falling asleep! Either they plague us in stressful phases of life over a longer period of time or they occur before certain events or important appointments the next day. But too little sleep has a negative effect on physical, mental and psychological well-being and becomes noticeable the following day through bad moods and little patience. Sleep problems and disorders despite tiredness can have different causes, such as stress, the wrong diet or a bad atmosphere in the bedroom. If it is not depressive moods that are causing sleepless nights, it is worth following some simple but effective tips before visiting the doctor to get back to sleep peacefully and feel refreshed and fit the next morning.
Difficulty falling asleep due to stress, excitement or inner restlessness
Tip 1: Good preparation prevents sleep problems and disorders
If it’s an exam, an important deadline at work or a presentation the next day that leads to excitement and sleeplessness, then the better and more intensive the preparation for the upcoming event, the fewer nagging thoughts will creep in during the evening and night. Creating a schedule early on helps ensure that all important tasks and preparations are completed on time. After all, a finished and rehearsed presentation or well-practiced study material lends self-confidence. If you know that everything is prepared as far as possible for the next morning, you can fall asleep in the evening feeling reassured and recharge your batteries!
Tip 2: A to-do list ensures free thoughts in the evening
Before the relaxing part of the evening begins, it is often useful to make a to-do list for the next day. This way, you don’t go over everything again in your mind before going to bed. Writing everything down on paper so that it doesn’t get forgotten until the next day allows the nagging and annoying thoughts to disappear from your mind – at least until the next morning. To jot down the to-do list, a date planner or a whiteboard in the study are suitable. Alternatively, an ordinary piece of paper also serves its purpose – it is then placed in a place where it cannot be overlooked the next morning.
Tip 3: Relaxing music soothes body and soul
If the necessary preparations for the next day are completed an hour before bedtime, there is still enough time to get your mind off things before going to bed. Wellness music is a great way to distract yourself, turn off your thoughts and relax. Equally effective – depending on individual preference – is the performance of other activities that provide relaxation, such as drawing or reading a book. Often the last thoughts we have before going to bed influence whether we find it easy to fall asleep or whether stressful thoughts lead to sleep problems and disorders. Therefore, it is advisable not to engage in mentally or physically strenuous activities shortly before going to bed, but to engage in relaxing activities.
Tip 4: Positive thoughts against problems falling asleep
Instead of always imagining what could go wrong the next day, think about how things will turn out in the best case and what successes you have achieved so far! Exciting events or stressful phases of life often cause us to make ourselves smaller than we are and lose all self-confidence. We get carried away in situations and panic. Often – viewed objectively – these are not such serious and hopeless problems. Therefore, actively banish the negative thoughts before going to bed and think instead of your successes or goals and before you know it, you are already in the land of dreams!

The right room arrangement for falling asleep
Tip 1: The optimal light in the bedroom
The sleep-wake rhythm of humans is mainly influenced by light. When it gets dark, the body releases the sleep-promoting hormone melatonin. Too bright, cold white light slows down the release of melatonin and makes us awake. That’s why it’s especially important to install a lamp in the bedroom that emits warm light and whose brightness level can be adjusted manually. Shutters or a blind are also helpful ways to darken the room in the evening and gently transition the body into sleep mode. If you are particularly sensitive to light, a sleep mask will help.
Tip 2: Media use in the evening
Just like lamps that are too bright, LED screens with a high blue content also lead to sleep problems and disorders. In the best case, the TV is banned from the bedroom altogether and activities on the smartphone are eliminated from the evening routine. If an evening routine without media is completely unimaginable, it helps to activate the so-called “night shift mode” on the cell phone and laptop in the evening if you have problems falling asleep. Numerous apps and programs ensure a yellowish instead of bluish screen. It doesn’t take long to adjust to the yellowish light and it helps you fall asleep from the first time you use it.
Tip 3: A tidy room ensures free thoughts
We fall asleep better when we feel comfortable in the bedroom. This includes the room being tidy, not cluttered with too many objects and furniture, and having a pleasant climate. For the latter, a short airing before going to bed is enough. In addition, neglected bed hygiene is often the cause of problems falling asleep. On the one hand, bed hygiene means changing bed linen regularly and buying a new pillow (or side sleeper pillow) every three years at the latest. After all, a pillow that has been used for too long is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria – and we certainly don’t want to share our space in bed with them (by the way, this also applies to organic variants such as the spelt pillow). On the other hand, bed hygiene means not eating or studying in bed – if the bed is used exclusively for sleeping, we are more likely to get into sleep mode when we lie down in the evening.
Tip 4: The right wall color for falling asleep
Since colors have a strong influence on our emotional life and mood, wall colors should be chosen wisely. While prolonged viewing or being surrounded by warm colors, such as red or orange, has been shown to increase body temperature, cold colors, such as blue or purple, calm the mind. Also, the least problems falling asleep cause bright colors on the bedroom walls, because in this way creates a friendly and soothing atmosphere. The same criteria are suitable to choose wall murals for the bedroom – ideally, they are in pastel colors.
The optimal sleep timing against sleep problems and disorders
Tip 1: Always go to bed at the same time
A good evening routine includes always going to bed at the same time. The body gets used to regular bedtimes and we find it easier to fall asleep. Well, admittedly: easier said than done. Even just going to bed at a different time on a weekend disrupts our body’s natural biorhythms. A good first step to get rid of sleep problems and disorders and make it to bed at the same time every day is to get up at the same time every day. Then tiredness will return at the same time in the evening and falling asleep will be quicker and easier. So, even on weekends, set the alarm clock.
Tip 2: Avoid naps during the day
Naps have one thing in particular: Most of the time it does not remain with a 10-20 minute closing of the eyes, but the tiredness tempts us to sleep longer than planned. The consequences are obvious: we are exhausted in the evening, feel fit and (of course) can’t get to sleep. When severe fatigue occurs during the day and limits productivity, a walk in the fresh air is a better alternative. A cold shower or a coffee – which, however, is best not enjoyed too late in the afternoon – will also delay fatigue until the evening.
Tip 3: The perfect time to fall asleep
There are various theories about the perfect time to get into bed and fall asleep without any problems. However, all theories have one thing in common: the conclusion is always that the ideal time to sleep varies from person to person. This makes sense if only because some people are particularly productive in the morning, while others only sink into a veritable frenzy of activity in the evening. So there is no such thing as the “perfect time to fall asleep” – the main thing is to always get into bed at the same time. The exception proves the rule. If you don’t feel tired at the usual time, go to bed a little later than turning from one side to the other in bed. Besides, constantly checking the clock puts pressure on you and doesn’t make you sleep any faster.

Last: The good old home remedies
Tip 1: Honey with milk or tea before going to bed
Grandma’s honey with milk before bedtime is a simple as well as effective tip to fall asleep relaxed. Tea is also a good sleeping aid, which is especially effective when the tea is enriched with lavender or hops flowers. The two drinks help to fall asleep because they warm the body from the inside. If the cup of milk with honey or a cup of tea become a ritual for falling asleep, which also prevent problems with falling asleep, all the better! Alcoholic beverages in the late evening hours you rather avoid, because they prevent a restful sleep and lead to the fact that the nightly sleep is interrupted again and again by awake phases.
Tip 2: If you’re exhausted, you won’t have trouble falling asleep
Anyone who spends the whole day at the office, at school or at home at their desk needs compensation. When the weather is nice, a bike or inline skating tour is a good idea; when the weather is bad, a visit to the gym, a short walk with an umbrella or a workout at home – it doesn’t matter! The main thing is that exercise and physical exhaustion take place, guaranteeing a quick sleep. Note here that exercise stimulates metabolism and circulation and makes you awake. This means: always leave enough time between sports and bedtime! It’s better to use the time before bedtime for relaxing activities and slowly but surely leave the stresses and strains of the day behind you.
Tip 3: Heat makes you sleepy
As soon as we are in the warm for a longer period of time, we feel sleepy and tired. That’s why a warm bath just before going to bed is helpful for falling asleep. In addition to the fact that warmth makes you tired, a warm bath often provides mental relaxation. After all, mental exuberance and relaxation are just as important for falling asleep as physical well-being. A tip on the side: even in the bathtub, bath additives with a lavender scent provide a soporific effect and a relaxing bathing experience. If you’re not a bathtub person, just try an electric blanket or a so-called therapy blanket.