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Meal Prep Breakfast

Meal Prep breakfast with strawberries, peanuts, apples and a burger
Lettering in cursive script "Just Relax
A Meal Prep breakfast in the morning drives away grief and worry! Plus, it's easy on the environment, easy on the wallet, and it's not hard to get started.

Perfect start of the day

Already in the first minutes of our day it is decided whether it will be a successful day or whether we struggle through the daily tasks with stress. It is really unfair that some people are just not made for the morning. Under the influence of high caffeine, we still dream of our warming bed and would love to jump straight back into the land of dreams. We can extend your stay in the land of dreams a little bit for you and give your start of the day at home a little more relaxation. And yet you won’t have to miss out on a delicious breakfast, because you’ll have your Meal Prep breakfast ready and waiting.

Idea of Meal Prep Breakfast

The idea of a Meal Prep breakfast is that you can whip up your breakfast in a few seconds in the morning, allowing you to spend more time on your bed cloud. But that’s not the only thing. By your food prepping breakfast, you’re also making sure the environment is better off and you have more monies in your pocket. “How is this going to work?” you’re probably wondering. It’s simple! In addition to saving time by having pre-cooked meals in the morning, as your Meal Prep experience increases, you’ll also become more aware of how much you’re eating. This allows you to shop more selectively and have less waste in your garbage can at the end of the day. The environment and your wallet will thank you.

BREAKFAST MEAL PREP » oh so good 😌

Meal Prep breakfast - Oat with nuts, almonds and berries in dark plate

Meal Prep Breakfast Recipes

A Meal Prep breakfast sounds compelling, right? But how does it all work? Of course, it doesn’t make much sense to make your sandwich the night before. This will save you at most 1 minute of time. You should rather prepare really delicious and fancy things. If these dishes then smile at you in the morning, such as freshly baked bread from a bread machine, then the day can only start well and that is already half the battle. Absolute professionals even prepare directly for several days or a whole week. So you can also take care of other things every evening before and maybe dive into dreamland earlier. Here are some good Meal Prep recipes for breakfast.


These things are sure to grace your Meal Prep weekly schedule. The tasty and healthy vitamin boost in a bowl is taking Meal Prep hearts by storm, and for good reason. Whether you’re more into the pure vitamin bomb or more flavor neutral with rice and quinoa, you can cobble together your breakfast bowl however you feel like it. The choices are endless and there are no limits to your creativity. We understand that with this freedom, you’re scared to find a common thread that will lead you to your goal of a simple yet varied Meal Prep plan. So perk up your ears!

Instructions for colorful bowls

To really keep your grocery list to a minimum, you should aim for larger quantities of a single item. But since many prefer to snap a different Instagram-worthy picture of their breakfast every day, you also need to think about varied ingredients. To find a compromise, we recommend keeping at least the main ingredient the same for each bowl. This main ingredient is called “oatmeal” and, unlike other flakes, is there to protect you from illness by providing important nutrients.
After that, the fruity play of colors can begin. Depending on the season and your taste, your Meal Prep breakfast can be adorned with strawberries, blueberries or banana. The rule is: the more colors, the tastier the eye finds your first meal of the day. Add to that some cow’s milk or coconut and there you have it. With the liquids you should absolutely make sure that you either add them in the morning or that it is at the bottom of the bowl. Otherwise, you’ll have a mushy oatmeal mess to digest at breakfast.

Bowls are not my thing

Even in the unlikely event that bowls are so not your thing, there are Meal Prep plans that fit the bill. Salads work well, just as easy to prepare and individual as bowls. Granted, you can also serve salad in a bowl and it would be a bowl dish too, but I’ve never seen salad combined with oatmeal or anything like that and that’s what it’s all about: variety of flavor.
The good thing is, you can take the fruits and veggies you used in your bowls on Monday and Wednesday and put them in your salad on Thursday. So you save space on your grocery list and time preparing it. However, be careful here, too. Just like milk makes your bowl soggy, your dressing does for salads. So here, too, either layer the dressing in your Meal Prep box first, or don’t add the dressing until the morning of eating. It only takes a few seconds.

Meal Prep Test Phase

I too am still in the testing phase of my Meal Prep breakfast. Right now, I’m trying to figure out how to not get my bowl out of the fridge in pulp form, but also not add the milk until that particular morning. Does anyone have any clever tips on this? Otherwise, I really like the idea of food prepping breakfast. I also noticed the other day that you can easily eat your bowls and salads to-go. So you can enjoy a balanced breakfast even if you have an unwanted extension in your cloud bed. What does your Meal Prep weekly plan look like?

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