Take time for foot care
Our feet carry us through our lives, allowing us to run and walk, jump and run. Through them we can play a variety of sports, drive a car, and even make music. We even circumnavigate the globe three times in our lifetime on them! But despite this supporting role, our feet often don’t get the attention they deserve from us. Actually, it is important to all of us that they are beautiful to look at and for that we rasp some callus here and apply some nail polish there. That’s it! However, we usually only notice that foot care goes far beyond purely cosmetic aspects when we have the first complaints and walking suddenly hurts even in the most comfortable shoes. To avoid pain and high medical costs, you should try to integrate regular intensive care into your everyday life. Below we show you some tips for healthy and beautiful feet.
Types of foot care
In foot care, there are two types: medical foot care and cosmetic foot care. Cosmetic foot care focuses on beautiful, soft and well-groomed feet, while medical foot care is about foot health, curing pain and correcting movement. Regular cosmetic treatment prevents medical problems and can prevent many inconveniences. That’s why foot care should be a regular part of your wellness routine – remember, you only have the two!
Medical foot care
On average, every person covers about 130,000 km in their lifetime and it’s no wonder that this strain doesn’t leave our feet unscathed. Poorly fitting shoes, especially tight shoes, promote foot problems and in the worst case can lead to significant deformities that require medical treatment. Common conditions that result from neglecting foot care include corns. In the case of corns, treatment is often attempted from home with plasters and ointments, but not infrequently without resounding success, as a result of which a doctor must be consulted. Medical podiatrists and dermatologists are responsible for skin problems, and an orthopedist must be consulted if the foot is malpositioned. Serious foot disorders include, for example, splayfoot and flatfoot, joint inflammation and heel spurs. It is important to note that no special training is required to open a regular pedicure studio, and therefore it is essential to consult medical professionals in case of health problems. Also, health insurance only covers strictly pedological treatments such as necessary outpatient or inpatient treatments, therapies and medications.
Cosmetic foot care
Cosmetic foot care, also known as pedicure by many, can be done at home or in specialized studios. In pedicure studios, one should critically check the hygiene and professionalism before the first treatment, because deficiencies in care, such as insufficiently disinfected equipment, can lead to serious infections. Foot care in many cases includes a foot bath, cutting and filing the toenails, removing dead skin and applying cream to the feet. Of course, nail polish can also be applied if desired. Regular trimming of the nails is very important, as it prevents ingrowth into the surrounding skin and the associated discomfort. In addition, dermatologists recommend daily application of cream on the feet. In this way, the skin remains soft and flexible, and calluses can be removed more easily. However, it should be kept in mind that the thicker skin on our feet also contributes a lot to their protection and excessive removal can be harmful. However, rough, cracked or hard areas can be removed carefree with a suitable file. For very dry feet, doctors advise foot care creams, which may contain urea or salicylic acid, but again some doctors advise against this. Nowadays, treatments with cornea-eating fish are also popular in foot care. However, before spending a large amount of money on this, one should be aware that there are still no scientific studies that prove the effectiveness of this method. It might be more worthwhile to invest in a high-quality foot care set or a modern foot spa for the home.
How foot care becomes a wellness program
As soon as summer approaches and with it comes barefoot season, the battle is declared against calluses. Women in particular like to rasp for hours on end – but long-term effects usually fail to materialize. Fortunately, electric or laser callus shavers in practiced hands can now make the removal of troublesome skin particles much easier and lead to a wonderfully smooth result without much effort. In addition, modern devices reduce the risk of injury. In addition, elaborate foot care is transformed into a real wellness program by various massage functions. To really enjoy foot care at home instead of seeing it as a necessary evil, integrate it into a nice relaxing bath, light some candles and play your favorite music. Maybe you can persuade your partner to give you a soothing foot massage. Since our feet consist of various reflex zones, even a simple massage can relieve tension and create a pleasant feeling throughout the body.
Summer, sun, sweaty feet
Besides unsightly calluses, sweating on the feet is a problem that almost everyone has to deal with. Especially at invitations or events in the summer, sweaty feet can make life very uncomfortable. The moment when the host asks you to take off your shoes in the hallway when you open the door and suddenly there is an intense smell of cheese fondue not only from the kitchen, is certainly on the list of the most embarrassing events for many. Fortunately, there are some tricks that counteract the development of sweaty feet. For one, choosing the right shoes is crucial, as is the amount of ventilation they allow, as feet secrete sweat to protect us from overheating. In any case, you should keep your hands off plastic and synthetic materials, as well as shoes without air-permeable soles. Foot care through a daily foot bath with suitable bath extracts and oils can also effectively prevent foot sweat. For a quick remedy in between, special antiperspirants, i.e. foot deodorants, are suitable, as they constrict the sweat glands and in this way reduce sweat secretion.
4 effective tips against sweaty feet:
Foot bath with sage:
A warm bath washes away the existing sweat, opens the pores and sage refreshes the feet and naturally reduces sweating.
Copper socks:
The secret tip of many sufferers are copper socks, socks that are made of pure cotton and anti-microbial copper yarn. The cotton absorbs moisture, while the copper elements have an anti-bacterial effect, preventing the unpleasant smell of sweat.
Insoles with freshness effect / cedar insoles:
Try to wear all shoes with insoles only. If the normal insoles from the drugstore do not help, try cedar insoles. These have been proven to reduce sweat odor because moisture is absorbed directly by the wood. The combination of wood fibers and cotton makes them comfortable and pliable, giving your foot extra cushioning.
Air out and wash shoes well:
It’s best to put your shoes outside every evening to let them air out thoroughly. If possible, reach for another pair the next day to avoid reinforcing the smell of sweat in the shoes. Shoes made of synthetic fabric can also be washed carefully, not exceeding the temperature of 30 degrees.
Painting toenails at home
The freestyle of foot care for every woman is of course the painting of the toenails. After an extensive care program, bright colors can now be used, after all, we want to draw attention to our beautiful feet! So that the painting succeeds without problems and you can achieve a perfect result, we also have a few tips for this.
The right place
Nothing is more annoying when painting than when the foot slips off, the color smudges or the nail polish runs out. Therefore, find a quiet place where you can place your foot and the nail polish container on a solid surface. Avoid places with thick carpets on the floor, or your nail polish will be smudged as soon as you get up.
Use a toe spreader
Painting your own toenails always involves a certain amount of contortion, and shaky hands can then quickly lead to a messy result. Simply clamped between the toes, a toe separator makes precise application of nail polish much easier.
Use base and top coat
Even if it takes a little longer to apply the polish, the extra effort is worth it! Base coat prevents discoloration of the nails and creates an even base. Top coat seals the color varnish and provides a long-lasting finish.
The necessary equipment for professional foot care at home
Footbaths can not only reduce sweat production, but also have a relaxing and soothing effect after a busy day. For a personal wellness experience, modern footbaths for home are particularly suitable, which have various massage options and can thus easily relieve tension. Infrared light and an integrated keep-warm function keep the temperature at a comfortable level and help you achieve maximum relaxation.
Footbath extracts
Bath crystals with valuable ingredients provide rich foot care during a foot bath. Thermal brine salt has a vitalizing effect and brings relief to tired feet. Jojoba and orange oils cleanse and care for your feet intensively, while also pampering your nose with a pleasant scent.
Moisturizing care
Moisturizing your feet is the be-all and end-all of foot care. Regular application of cream keeps your skin supple and smooth and you can counteract cosmetic imperfections such as callus thickening or dry patches. Shea butter and almond oil improve the skin’s appearance and with the right cream you can also prevent the development of athlete’s foot.
Copper socks
Copper socks are effective against sweaty feet and can also prevent the formation of blisters. The material is made of 80% combed cotton and 20% anti-microbial copper yarn. The cotton absorbs moisture and keeps feet dry, while the copper yarn is anti-bacterial. The reinforcement in the sole area provides a non-slip grip in the shoe.
Toe spreader
A toe spreader is essential for accurate nail polish application and can be easily clamped between the toes. The soft and flexible silicone separates the toes in this way and there is no risk of accidentally applying nail polish to the wrong areas. Annoying paint mishaps can be easily prevented this way.