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After work

Man taking a break with a book and tea by the fireplace
Lettering in cursive script "Just Relax
You come home from work in the evening and are completely exhausted? With our tips you can really enjoy your well-deserved evening off !

After work is during work?

Coming from work and starting into the end of the day should actually be something nice, but above all relaxing. But most of the time, our thoughts revolve around work just when we least want them to: namely, in our after-work hours. Work has a lasting effect. Is it the colleagues, an ongoing project or the constant accessibility? It doesn’t matter, it keeps you busy long after the work is done. To protect your mental and physical health, however, you should give your body its well-deserved rest and relaxation after work. Easier said than done? We’ll show you how to do it easily with our tips. We also answer the most frequently asked questions. You can find more useful information in our video. We wish you lots of fun!

After Work Routine | Relaxing & Healthy Habits

Man taking a break with a book and tea by the fireplace

A few tips to help you relax at home during the holiday season

Do something good for yourself!

The time after your work is all yours. Take the time you need to recover from your daily stress. Your thoughts should be completely with you and other topics independent of your work. With the help of a small after-work ritual, you can switch off optimally. Recurring activities that start as soon as you get home from work train your body and mind. Your body gets used to the rituals after a few uses and quickly enjoys these traditions as a sign of the end of the day. So just put your feet up for once and lounge comfortably, undisturbed. Maybe certain relaxation or breathing exercises will also help you. And have you ever tried yoga, meditation or autogenic training? Not only will it improve your performance at work, but it will also replenish your energy reserves. After a little practice, you won’t find it so hard anymore and you’ll notice how beneficial it all is.


Especially distraction after work is of great advantage to escape the annoying thoughts. Sports would be the best option here, if you haven’t exhausted yourself enough at work. You can significantly lower your stress level while doing sports. But also the meeting of friends or family outside of work, can give you a wonderful end of the day. Even half an hour of time together has a significant, positive impact. The only important thing is that work should be a taboo subject here, so that you can fully concentrate on the other joint activities. And if you are still looking for a common activity: How about cooking together? Below we have picked out a recipe for you. You can find more simple recipes for cooking together with others here.

Write down thoughts to banish them from your mind

Whether you’re on the road or just sitting on the couch, thoughts about work really don’t belong in the middle of the day. If you spontaneously think of something important, it’s best to write it down quickly and secure the idea. At the same time, you can banish it from your mind. Free yourself from disturbing thoughts. To-do lists can also help you to approach your work more consciously. It’s best to write down what you’ve accomplished and what you can expect the next day while you’re still at work. This way you can switch off better after work.

After-work recipe: tarte flambée toasts as a quick dinner

For many people, after work is done, the end of the day can often be just incredibly tiring and exhausting. And the hunger is great. So food often can’t land on the table fast enough. So here’s the perfect option for a lightning recipe: tarte flambée toasts. What you need for 8 slices of toast: 150 grams of grated cheese, a cup of crème fraiche, a finely chopped onion, 100 grams of raw ham cubes and some salt and pepper for seasoning. Put all these ingredients together and mix thoroughly. Now spread the mixture evenly on all 8 slices of toast and bake in the oven at 200 °C for about 15 minutes. At the end, you can serve the finished tarte flambée toasts with some fresh chives. It’s really super easy and, above all, doesn’t take much effort, does it? Enjoy your meal!

Does it already help to turn off my electronic devices?

Yes. This is a small tip, yet so significant. Electronic devices should simply be set aside and turned off for once. You have nothing left to do for today and anyone who still wants something from you tonight will have to wait until tomorrow. Because the basic prerequisite for a relaxed end to the day is that you yourself can switch off and find inner peace. Monitor light has exactly the opposite effect. If you reach for your smartphone to check your e-mails, the monitor light will keep you awake. In addition, your thoughts are more likely to wander during a movie than during a good book.

Are there any after-work tips for seniors?

Even if you have already retired from work, your day can be just as full as that of an employee. After work is done, it is therefore also important for seniors to find the right employment opportunity to relax. Reading can help here, when in the evening before going to bed, thoughts turn to everything else except going to bed. By focusing completely on the story, you can escape reality for a moment and let your thoughts wander. But even during the day, an interesting book is often very captivating. What do you like to read?

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