Which cat is right for me, what cat should I get?
Cats – And what they make
It’s not uncommon for cat lovers to ask the question, “Which cat is right for me, what cat should I get?”. Cats make great pets. They love to cuddle, are intelligent, playful and funny. The choice of cats is huge. Each breed has different requirements that you should consider when making your choice. While one breed hardly needs any grooming, the others need extra affection and are bad at being alone. All of them need activity. After all, we are talking about tamed predators here.
A cat as a pet – yes or no?
Basically, you must be aware that in the future you will take responsibility for an animal in your household, which can live up to 20 years. For this, factors such as age, gender, cost, time, care and much more must be considered. So before the question arises, “what cat should I get?”, it is necessary to carefully consider all the factors related to cat ownership and whether you will meet these requirements. What you need to consider everything, we show you in this article.
Small tip
To avoid disappointments and sad situations from the beginning, it is advisable to do an allergy test for all people living in the house. Nobody wants to have to give up his new family member after a few days. This way you can save yourself the trouble and keep an eye out for allergy cats. Among them are for example Balinese, Javanese, Oriental shorthair cats or Rex species. These cats have a special gene, which makes their coat different from the others and causes little or no allergic reaction in affected people.
What you should consider
Young or old?
At this point you need to realize that baby cats still need a lot of attention and cannot be left alone for too long. They are easier to train, need to learn to be housebroken and leave your furniture alone. The adult cats often already know about etiquette, but usually have other quirks that you need to break them of.
Cat or cat?
This decision is entirely up to you. Males are wilder and more playful at first. After neutering at the latest, this will subside and they will become both more relaxed and more affectionate. Females are more independent and calmer from the beginning. How territorial and strong-willed they are, however, depends largely on the breed, upbringing and development and not on whether they are female or male.
One cat or several?
Cats need social contact. Full professionals should therefore consider whether they directly acquire two animals, as long as they have enough space. You should pay attention to the age, gender and character. Kittens, for example, have different needs than senior cats. Cats and males often play differently. Therefore, it may be advisable to buy two cats of the same sex. Cats of different sexes can – but do not have to – lead to difficulties. The bottom line is that it depends on the characters, which should complement each other well.
Small tip when buying two cats
If you decide to buy two cats, you should take littermates or cats that have lived together for a long time. Get advice from a breeder or animal shelter staff. Remember: Even if you have two cats, this does not replace the time you have to spend on keeping them species-appropriate.
The nature of a cat
Active cats jump and climb everywhere, meow a lot and need a lot of attention. Lazy cats, on the other hand, are happy to get their rest and just need a nice place to take a nap. Those are the two extremely rough divisions, because cats are very versatile. It depends on their personality, experience and upbringing, as well as age and health.
Domestic and pedigree cats
Domestic cats are usually a colorful surprise, as they are not purebred, while pedigreed cats share many traits. So, you can adjust to the latter very well with a little research and estimate both needs and care intensity. Domestic cats, on the other hand, do not have a uniform external appearance, let alone character traits. This package of surprises, however, can have its appeal as well.
Outdoor or apartment cats
Do you have an apartment in the city? Then a pure house cat is more suitable. But if you live outside in the countryside and have a garden, you can give your cat free access. Some cat breeds even need outdoor access, while others prefer to be at home and do not have the urge to explore the area all day. In principle, however, all cats – except naked cats – are naturally suitable for outdoor access. So, have you found an answer to the question “what cat should I get?”? Not? Then read on, there is still a lot of important information waiting for you!
Apartment cats – employment possibilities
The main problem of apartment cats: they get bored quickly! Especially without other cats. That’s why you should create an environment for your cat that stimulates its senses and intelligence and where it is safe. Sufficient occupation possibilities here include scratching trees, climbing possibilities and a varied selection of accessories and toys, which should be changed regularly. And yet, regular attention from you and balanced petting are no substitute for toys.
What you should avoid with apartment cats
Your cat should be allowed to declare all rooms her cat territory. Cats are very curious by nature and want to explore everything extensively. Destructible objects such as vases or expensive dishes are therefore not among the objects that should be within easy reach. You should also not leave toxic cleaning products or houseplants around. Your windows should always be closed. It is not uncommon for cats to suffer life-threatening bruises because they try to climb out of the window (“tilt window syndrome”).
Outdoor cats
If your cat has free access to the outside world, it will go on daily discovery tours to live out its natural behaviors: climbing, hunting, exploring, roaming. This usually keeps her busy, sharpens her senses and gives her plenty of exercise. Once she is back in your home, she catches up on her sleep and usually behaves very calmly. To give her this free access, you should think about a cat flap , for example.
The risks of the outdoor cat
However, especially outside there are many dangers. Not only busy roads are a risk, but also natural enemies such as wild animals. It is not uncommon for territorial fights to occur when exploring the area. Free-roaming cats also often suffer from parasite infestations and come into contact with poisonous plants or bait. Consequently, life expectancy is lower than for apartment cats.
The all unifying compromise
Do you want an apartment cat, but also want to offer it outdoor access? This is possible! If you have a balcony or garden, you can fence it with nets, which will give your cat at least limited outdoor access. However, you should keep in mind that cats that are used to outdoor access will not suddenly become happy house cats. Once you’ve made a decision, you’re one step closer to answering your question, “Which cat is right for me?”
The right place to sleep indoors
Just as important as a place to play is a place to sleep. Set up a retreat for your cat where he can relax. It’s best to find a place that overlooks everything, or a lounging spot by a window where she can look off into the distance.
Time and care
How time and care intensive a cat is, depends entirely on the breed. You should therefore objectively assess how much time you can devote. Do you have a full-time job and are only at home in the evenings and on weekends or do you have more time for your four-legged friend? As mentioned earlier, apartment cats especially need activity, otherwise they will develop bad habits. Also, schedule time for regular nail trimming (especially for apartment cats), cleaning of eyes and ears, and time for grooming.
Costs for purchase and care
Especially when planning to buy a cat, the question arises: “what cat should I get?” Along with this question comes that of cost. As you probably thought: pedigree cats cost more. An alternative is to go to an animal shelter and look for a suitable cat there. Besides the basic equipment like litter box, bowl, etc., there are monthly costs for the food. Depending on the breed and type of food you can calculate between 30 and 50 euros. For cats whose coat needs to be groomed, there are costs for the respective coat care products.
Vaccination costs
In addition, there are vaccinations against cat cold, cat epidemic and leucosis, which cost you 100 euros for the basic vaccination. For outdoor cats, there are also vaccinations against rabies and FeLV, as well as a regular worming treatment every three months (between 100 and 140 euros). For indoor cats, a worming treatment every six months is sufficient (approx. 50 euros). Not to forget costs for possible injuries your cat could get or surgery costs.
Family and pets
Even if it’s hard. You shouldn’t necessarily pick the cutest cat. Especially not if you have family and other pets. Not every cat gets along with children and dogs, for example. Some cats like to have their peace and quiet and want a regular life and not one full of action and variety. If you raise a kitten, it will most likely get along with the other pets and children. If you get an adult cat, this is usually the case, but not always.
Previous experience
Let me tell you one thing: there are no cats for beginners. Some require more attention and care and others less. This means that if you’re a cat newbie, you’ll need to have a lot of patience when it comes to showing strong-willed cats who’s boss. Persian cats, for example, need to be combed every day. But not every cat will just let that slide. However, once the boss question has been settled, there’s nothing standing in the way of harmonious coexistence.
Supply in case of absence
The kind of care when you are not at home, again depends entirely on the breed and character of your pet. Cats that are not very people-oriented can stay with friends or neighbors for a few days. Clingy velvet paws are more likely to cause problems. If your four-legged friend is too attached to you, you should not leave them alone for too long. Territorial cats should stay in their familiar environment and get company from the person in charge for one or two hours a day.
Which cat is right for me? – Conclusion
Take enough time for all factors and think carefully if you have enough space, time and money for your future cat. Also the character traits of your potential cat should be well considered. If all decisions are made on an objective level, you will find a long-lasting companion for you and your family. After all, there is no point in bringing a temperamental cat into a small apartment or a calm cat into a large family. Neither you nor your cat will be happy.