Handling media as parents – You are all over the place
If you’re reading this article, chances are you’re surfing the web on your phone right now. We’ve long since had to admit that the media bulldozer has overrun us. From A like doctor’s appointment to Z like train tickets, our daily companion covers it all. Where the usefulness stops, the nonsense and time-wasting stops. There are attempts, for example in France, that schools teach the conscious handling media as parents. A good approach, but this does not do justice to this gigantic topic. We say that dealing with media is also an educational task. We give you tips on how to bring clarity into the media jungle.
Your own nose
First of all, it should be said that you have to look at your own nose before you can teach your children the conscious handling media as parents. After all, children often learn by imitation. This can only be achieved if you put down the cell phone yourself. You have to ask yourself what you use your smartphone, computer, etc. for. Does it have added value or is it just a pastime?
Ban for a ban
You shouldn’t start by imposing bans. First, these are unlikely to be enforced without violence, and second, this is also the wrong way to go. “I feel naked without my smartphone” is something you hear a lot. It has long since become a part of us and you feel as if something is missing without it. You probably know the heart attack moment when you ever don’t know where your smartphone is. It would be too much of a loss of valuable data if it went missing.
The full body check
If it already acts like a body part of us, then we should take care of it accordingly. Make sure it is always clean. Sounds strange? It isn’t. The bacteria fair, which is on every smartphone, causes diseases. A weekly cleaning with a disinfectant cloth is enough. An eyeglass cleaning cloth does the trick, too. For the Sheldon Coopers among us, who want to know exactly, there are now also true wellness machines. The so-called UV cell phone cleaners are the solariums of smartphones and kill every bacterium. But that is not enough. You surely know very well: It’s the inner values that count. This means that you should also put your smartphone through its paces. Don’t fill it up with endless apps and photos that you might look at again someday. Instead, enhance it with apps that offer added value for yourself.
2 parenting tips for handling media as parents
Hands on the table
Who doesn’t know it? Even at dinner, a message is sent quickly or you do not even come because the series on Netflix must first be watched to the end. We say quite clearly: cell phone in combination with food goes just as little as Instagram without Internet connection. As with many things, the following also applies in this case: Out of sight, out of mind! In other words, find a place that’s out of sight and where you can take a break from your smartphone during dinner and other parts of the day.
It’s time for the talk
When it comes to media use, it’s also your duty to have an enlightening conversation. You’ve probably tried to regulate your child’s media use before and been unsuccessful. It’s important that you explain to your child the background for your concern. Don’t say how terribly sick you get (e.g., sleep problems), but explain how media enhances creativity and motor skills. Media use is also a double-edged sword.
After all, what makes social media platforms so beautiful is that you can seek refuge with them. You can be the person you want to be, which encourages creativity but also weakens your ability to solve problems. Even if no one wants to, don’t always try to take the easy way out. Force yourself to confront a problem sometimes, too. Life is a roller coaster. The only question is with which attitude you ride it. Once you have accepted the confrontation, then you learn how to look for solutions and find a way to solve the problem, and that is a competence that helps you further.
Your Opinion to handling media as parents
How long a day are you on your smartphone? Do you find it too much? What exactly do you use it for? Let’s discuss and give each other advice.